Americans Think we are Nostalgic for… Electric Quesadillas

Plus: What’s with that sad avocado on the side?

Ever felt nostalgic about your abuela’s electric quesadillas? ….

Well, not me, but if you are among those weird, improbable, nostalgic Hispanics who grew up eating flour-tortilla quesadillas made on an electric contraption, the folks of Nostalgia Electrics have you covered.

Introducing the Nostalgia Electric Quesadilla Fiesta Maker, a “unique hot plate designed to create 6 sectional pieces that seal in the flavorful ingredients.” Heck, it even features a two-position latch that allows for thin *or* thick quesadillas!

This thing is “only” $19.99 in BestBuy (sad avocado and chili pepper NOT included) and YES, it says Fiesta somewhere in there.

Fiesta, but of course!

Hat tip: Monica Pieces

Mexican Police Chief Embarks on a 19-Second Chona Challenge… Because Mexico!

Someone is having fun at work 👮🏽

Yes, the Chona Challenge –the Mexican version of the viral phenomenon in which a driver hops out of a vehicle and dances along while someone else films the action –is actually against the law, but that didn’t stop a Sonora police officer to join the fun.

According to the local press, Santa Ana Chief José Cruz Urbina, fully armed and in uniform embarked on a Chona Challenge for about 19 seconds –and judging from the video (below) it was, like, tons of fun!