J.C. Penney Wants you to Have a Very Happy ‘Tamalegiving’

And you? Do you imagine a Thanksgiving full of tamales?
And you? Do you imagine a Thanksgiving Day with a lot of tamales?

In the latest installment of the “How to Turn your Gringo Holiday into a Relevant Latino Holiday,” series, I give you Tamalegiving, a simple -yet delicious- way to turn Thanksgiving Day into Tamalegiving Day instead.

Watch a very cute, acculturated Guatemalan-American kid saying “guácala” to his mom’s gallina as he makes his case for a Thanksgiving full of tamales. Oh, sí.

Alas, I’m more of a ‘Tacogiving’ type of person. But hey, that’s me!

Happy Tamalegiving, pues!

hat tip: Betti Ortega

Looking to Reverse Soup Slump, Campbell’s Turns to Hispanics

What other delicious recipes might Campbell’s be cooking for my people?

If you thought Fiesta Nacho Cheese, Kick-It-Up a Nacho or Mexican-style chicken tortilla  soups were enough to satisfy the demanding palate of my people (i.e. Hispanics,) think again. The venerable Campbell Soup Company, hoping to reverse a “soup slump,” is ready to accelerate its Hispanic-themed and Hispanic-targeted canned soups and other so-called food products.

But don’t think that throwing in some queso and tortillas will be enough to attract more U.S. Hispanics. According to this article in Food Business News, the company “has added dual-language packaging for some of its products,” presumably in a similar way they’ve done with the “French” language.

Somehow Campbell thinks "Fiesta de légumes" is Spanish for "Fiesta Vegetable."
Somehow Campbell’s thinks “Fiesta de légumes” is French for “Fiesta Vegetable.” [Oh, but is Fiesta Vegetable English or Spanish?]
Alas, there was no mention in such article about how “Fiesta Vegetable” became Fiesta de légumes in “French” but I guess that’s material for a future post.


Bieber Goes to Mexico. Bieber Tweets. Peña Nieto is in Trouble


Justin Bieber is in Mexico and he took to Twitter Monday night to tell his 50 million plus followers about having just met Enrique Peña Nieto and family.

Nothing wrong with that… I guess, except that minutes later the press office of the Mexican Presidency came on to the social network to deny such a meeting even happened.


Who is this blogger to believe?…. I think you all know the answer but I will tell you JUST-IN case.

Or not…

via: CNET en español

‘Rolling Stone’ Jumps on the Hot Latino Bandwagon with ‘Latin Hot List’ Featuring Latin Hot People

ImageGracing the cover* of the Nov. 8 issue of Rolling Stone‘s The Latin Hot List 2013 is Naya Rivera, which according to Rolling Stone’s non-hot, non-Latin editors is “the hottest cheerleader” on television, Naya Rivera.

Since I have not bought my copy yet, I’m not quite sure who else is on the hot list but I’m pretty sure I’m not on it. (I’m actually freaking cold, as we speak.)

Editor’s Note: The Latin Hot List 2013 appears on the flip cover the magazine’s Nov. 8 issue, which actually pays homage to the great, non-Latin Lou Reed.

This Argentinian ‘Chef’ Will Teach you How NOT to Make Tacos

botanaArgentinian “chef” Maru Botana this week came under fire by my people (i.e. The Mexicans) after she attempted to do something Argentinians should never, ever, do: prepare Mexican food.

“Botana,” which is Spanish for “snack” and thus very likely not her real name, took to national television in Argentina to demonstrate how to prepare “real Mexican tacos,” which was nothing but a bizarre concoction of eggplant, green peas, chicken, cherry tomatoes and hard boiled eggs wrapped up in something she thinks is a home-made tortilla.

The offending recipe reaches its peak when Ms. Botana decides to place the tortilla maker actually on the burner, quickly transitioning her endeavor from a cooking parody to just plain disaster.


Below is a small taste of the debacle. For the complete mess tutorial of how NOT to make tacos, go here:

I’m Sure Cynthia Duque Will do a Fine Job Representing my People at the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant

Mexican beauty queen Cynthia Duque wears a “typical” Mexican costume that will surely end up in a wardrobe malfunction of catastrophic proportions.

I’m proud to introduce you guys to Cynthia Duque Garza, the Monterrey native beauty who will represent my people (i.e. the Mexicans) at this year’s Miss Universe beauty pageant in Moscow.

As we all know, beauty queens are not particularly sharp, but I’m sure Ms. Duque will do a fine job representing Mexico. For starters, she has picked this awesome, typically Mexican outfit, which I’m sure will give her some extra points and help teach these Russians a thing or two about Mexico’s culture and heritage.

I don’t know about you, but I will tune in on Nov. 9th to root for my paisana and pray for her not to trip over and land on her penacho.

When Suspect Wears Hoodie, He can be White -or Hispanic

I just love it when the media try to give us as much information possible about criminal activity. Take the case of this suspected bank robber, who threatened employees and did away with cash at a local Chase bank in Bakersfield, California. According to this article, witnesses have described the suspect “as a white or Hispanic man,” presumably because they haven’t realized that Hispanics can also be white.

Sure, given the fact that my people (i.e. Hispanics) account for 33 percent of Bakersfield’s total population, there’s a fair chance this fellow is Hispanic, but why the bad blood? Judging from this photograph, the suspect can also be Asian, a light-skinned African-American or… Jesse Pinkman.
