Ever Wanted to Drive Like an Inca from Baja? Go Get Your ‘Ethnic-Style’ Wheel Cover Today!

What the hell is “Baja Inca?”

From the online retailer that brought us the Mexican Deluxe Yoga Mat, the Hispanic Flag and — of course — the DIY Tacos al pastor, now comes the Baja Inca Blanket Steering Wheel Cover Plush Poncho , an “ethnic, fun, fashionable” wheel cover for your pimped up lowrider!

Because everybody knows the Incas from Baja California are one colorful driving bunch, right?

Hat tip: @SaraChicaD

Amazon Will Have you Assemble your Own Tacos al Pastor, Because it’s 2017 and the End is Near

Are you dying for a trio of juicy tacos al pastor but happen to live in the middle of Iowa? Worry not! Amazon has you covered!

Starting very soon, Amazon will begin delivery of “Meal Kits,” a service similar to Blue Apron, which will provide you with all the pieces necessary to ensamble your own meal! Take the Tacos al Pastor kit, which includes jalapeños, salsa verde, chipotle marinade, pork loin, pineapple, cilantro, radishes, pico de gallo and — alas — flour tortillas, because this is America, people, and that’s that. So, suck it.

Check out below all the goodies you’ll get and the instructions to ensamble your own Tacos al Pastor.

Now, allow me to go hang myself…

Sombrero tip: Oscar Gutiérrez

Via: CNET en Español

Trump Wants His Border Wall to be Transparent, so People Don’t Get Hit on the Head with Flying Drugs

Who would want to be hit on the head with one of these?

Mr. Donald Trump is a very creative fellow, so it shouldn’t surprise you to know he has come up with an awesome idea for that U.S.-Mexican wall he will build and my people will pay for it: He wants to it to be transparent… The reason?

Here’s how the president actually explained this to journalists:

“As horrible as it sounds, when they throw large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don’t see them. […] They hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over.”

Wow! It’s all so simple, yet brilliant! And I’m glad to have such a thoughtful leader in charge of the free world.

Gracias, Señor Presidente!

Mexican Veganism Is Veganism I Can Actually Embrace 🐷

Vegan crumbs to spice up your fish, chicken and steak. Yay!

Are you a MEAT lover, but want to get into the whole healthy-vegan-kale-gluten-free hipster BS trend thing?

Worry not. My people have come up with an amazing idea!

I give you Vegan Bread Crumbs, a gluten-free, vegan product you can safely use to bread your fish, chicken and — YES — steak.

All this is good news, because veganism is great but, come on, you gotta eat animals!

Chomp, chomp… 🐷

Trump Meets Peña Nieto in Germany. A Tragicomedy Ensues

It was brief –and painful.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Enrique Peña Nieto on Friday had their first face-to-face meeting since Trump took office, and while the encounter lasted only a few minutes, it was enough for El Trumpo to assert that he’ll “absolutely” have Mexico pay for his famous wall.

Fortunately for this blogger — and the world at large — Mexican tuiteros came through to spice up the otherwise tragic encounter.

Here are only a few of my favorite Twitter moments of this year’s G-20 meeting. Be sure to come back, as I’m going to be updating this post throughout this hilarious/tragic day.


Real Life Memes

Clueless Leader

Hear No Evil

What? I didn’t Hear Anything

Human Sacrifice

Video via ABC News

Move Over, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy;’ Mexico Wants you to See ‘Guardianes de la Galatzia’ Instead

It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep blogging, when Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Stories et al keep beating me to the punch, like, by the second. But there are things that are just so beautiful that they deserve to be immortalized in this venerable, non-for-profit, read-by-nobody blog. And this is one of them.

So there. Enjoy. And repeat after me: “Mexicans: How can anyone not love us?”

This Laser Hair Removal Biz in Brazil Wants you to Know Frida Would Have Been Better off Using their Services

Ummmm, no

Some laser hair removal shop in Brazil called Espaçolaser thought it would be a great idea to use a Before-After image of Frida Kahlo showing how unbelievably different (presumably better) she would have looked AFTER undergoing a hair laser removal therapy with them.

Well, I’ve got news for you, people:

Ummmm, no!

Go home, Espaco Laser, you’re drunk.